The base of the golf course

The Grand Caral Riviera Maya is the first legacy of professional player and designer Nick Price. He won 45 professional tournaments and 18 PGA tours. Price like no other knows all the subtleties of the fields. He has designed 15 golf courses worldwide.

The Grand Caral Riviera Maya is his first creation in Mexico. The golf course is the older sister of the El Tinto Club by Nick Price. The highlight of Nika golf courses is the natural aesthetics.

Looking at the territory of the future course, the designer understood that there was no need to change anything, nature did everything for him. In his work, Nick emphasized only the main aspects.

This is a beautiful field with 8 lakes and 71 traps. Both the professional and the beginner will find themselves in this field. when creating the field, the wishes and possibilities of beginner golfers were taken into account, which played into the hands of the club. Because in the modern world, designers focus on professionals.

Golf club in the fishing village

The Grand Caral Riviera Maya lies in the small village of Playa del Carmen. With the influx of tourists to Mexico, local surfers have discovered an amazing place. So crowds of people aspired to see white sandy beaches and high blue waves.

The popularity of the area grew, but there were no additional entertainments and it became boring. So they decided to create a club Grand Caral Riviera Maya. The village was ideal in all respects for such an idea.

There are no tall buildings here, the atmosphere conveys the tranquility of nature. In golf, a calm and quiet atmosphere is the key to success. and all the fields are skilfully cut through the magnificent coastal jungle.

The club is famous for its minimal environmental impact.

On the territory of the club there are training fields where you can train before the game. Also, if desired, there is the service of a personal trainer who will prompt and direct you in the right direction. A distinctive characteristic of the club is the absence of golf carts.

Due to the preservation of the primeval natural landscape. Any movement on a golf cart is prohibited. The only means of transport you can get around is your feet. The course is included in the itinerary for tourists and is considered a protected area.

Many athletes after visiting the Grand Caral Riviera Maya say this phrase “This is the perfect place to play and enjoy life”